
National Doctor’s Day 2020

India celebrates the National Doctor’s Day every July 1st to commemorate the birthday and anniversary of the great physician and Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, the 2nd chief minister of West Bengal. Since then, India has achieved rapid development in the medical field, not just the further development of Dr. B.C. Roy’s work, but also uses innovative technology. On this day, I would like to thank all the people who helped us selflessly when we needed them and worked tirelessly for the health of the patients to commemorate the greatest representatives of these ideals.

The Indian government established the Doctor’s Day in 1991 and is commended and celebrated in India on July 1st each year. There are doctor’s days with different dates all over the world. In the United States, this day is March 30, Cuba is December 3, and Iran is August 23.


Every year’s National Doctor’s Day has the theme of last year, “Zero tolerance to violence against doctors and clinical establishment”. The theme of the “Doctor’s Day” in the stands this year is , “Lessen the mortality of COVID 19”. It includes awareness of asymptomatic hypoxia and early active treatment.

What can you do to support physicians during the 2020 Doctor’s Day?

1. Thank you to your doctor – This can take many forms. Personally, the most meaningful gesture I received was handwritten notes. Over the years, I have saved all the notes written to me by patients, colleagues or managers. If you have a patient portal option, you can send a thank you letter electronically. You can send a group photo to the emergency room or medical staff in your area.

2. Donate personal protective equipment – If you have a N95 mask, you can donate to a local medical institution. If we are sick, we cannot take care of you.

3. Stay at home – The doctor is actually begging you to stay at home. Each of us wants to do our best for everyone. Please stay at home for us. It really benefits you as much as we do. There are only so many beds. Don’t let us choose who gets them.

4. At the end, remember all of them – After the pandemic subsides, remember that the doctor is there. Despite personal anxiety and concerns about the safety of our family, we will continue to appear to take care of you. It’s time to return to the business of improving our health system, please don’t forget how important a doctor is to your care.