
How To Loss Weight Faster & Diet Tips

How to loss weight Faster

There are better ways to loss weight. These dieting tips can help you avoid weight loss and achieve lasting weight loss success.

What is the best diet for healthy weight loss?

Pick up any weight loss book, it will claim to have all the answers, can successfully reduce all the weight you want, and stay healthy. Some people claim that the key is to eat less and exercise more, others think that low fat is the only way out, while others ask for reduced carbohydrates. So, what should you believe?
The truth is that there is no “one size fits all” solution to loss weight permanently and healthy. What works for a person may not work for you, because our bodies respond differently to different foods, depending on genetics and other health factors. It may take some time to find a weight loss method that suits you, and it takes patience, dedication, and some attempts at different foods and diets.

While some people respond well to calculating calories or similar restrictive methods, others respond better to planning weight loss programs with greater degrees of freedom. Freedom to avoid fried foods or reduce refined carbohydrates can make them successful. Therefore, if a diet that is useful to others does not work for you, please do not discourage. If dietary restrictions are too strict to persist, don’t beat yourself. In the end, the diet will suit you only as time goes by.

Remember: Although losing weight is not easy, you can take many steps to build a healthier relationship with food, curb the emotional triggers of overeating and achieve a healthy weight.

Four popular weight loss strategies:

1. Reduce calories
2. Reduce carbohydrates
3. Reduce fat
4. Follow the Mediterranean diet

1. Reduce calories

Some experts believe that successful weight control can be boiled down to a simple equation: if you consume fewer calories than you burn, you can loss weight. Sounds simple, right? Why is it so difficult to loss weight?

a) Losing weight is not a linear event over time. For example, when reducing calories, you may loss weight in the first few weeks, and then the situation changes. You eat the same amount of calories, but you loss weight or not at all. This is because after losing weight, water, lean tissue and fat are reduced, the metabolism is slowed down, and other changes in the body occur. Therefore, in order to continue to loss weight every week, you need to continue to reduce calories.

b) Calories are not always calories. For example, eating 100 calories of high-fructose corn syrup and eating 100 calories of broccoli can have different effects on your body. The trick to continuous weight loss is to discard foods rich in calories (such as sweets) that do not make you feel full, and replace them with foods without calories (such as vegetables).

c) Many of us do not always eat to satisfy hunger. We also focus on food to reduce comfort or reduce stress, which will quickly derail any weight loss program.

2. Reduce carbohydrates

Another method of observing weight loss believes that the problem is not the consumption of too many calories, but the way the body accumulates fat after consuming carbohydrates, especially the role of the hormone insulin. When you eat, the carbohydrates in the food enter your blood as glucose. To control your blood sugar level, your body always burns this glucose first, and then burns the fat in the meal.

If you eat foods rich in carbohydrates (for example, a lot of pasta, rice, bread or french fries), your body will release insulin to help all this glucose flow into your blood. In addition to regulating blood sugar levels, insulin can do two things: It can prevent fat cells from releasing fat and make the body burn, thereby burning fat (because its primary task is to burn glucose), and it can make more fat cells to store all the substances that the human body cannot burn. The result is that you gain weight and the body now needs more fuel to burn, so you eat more. Since insulin only burns carbohydrates, you crave carbohydrates, so you start a vicious cycle of consuming carbohydrates and gaining weight. To reason, to loss weight, you need to break this cycle by reducing carbohydrates.

Cycle of a diet rich in carbohydrates:

1. You eat carbohydrates
2. Carbohydrates produce glucose in the blood
3. Insulin required to regulate blood sugar
4. Insulin produces new fat cells
5. You gain weight, so you need to eat more
6. Insulin only burns carbohydrates, so you crave carbohydrates

3. Reduce fat

It is the backbone of many diets: if you don’t want to gain weight, don’t eat fat. Walking in the aisle of any grocery store, you will be bombarded with low-fat snacks, dairy products and packaged food. But despite our surge in low-fat options, the rate of obesity has also increased. So why is a low-fat diet ineffective for more of us?

a) Not all fats are bad. Healthy or “good” fats can actually help control weight, control mood and fight fatigue. Unsaturated fats found in avocado, nuts, seeds, soy milk, tofu and fatty fish can help you fill up. For example, adding a little delicious olive oil to a plate of vegetables can make it easier to eat healthy foods and improve health. The overall quality of the diet.

b) We often make wrong trade-offs. Many of us have made the mistake of replacing fat with empty calories of sugar and refined carbohydrates. For example, instead of eating full-fat yoghurt, we eat low-fat or fat-free sugar, in which sugar is added to compensate for the lose of flavor. Or, we replaced the fat breakfast bacon with muffins or donuts, which caused a rapid rise in blood sugar.

4. Follow the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes eating good fats and carbohydrates, as well as a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish and olive oil, and a small amount of meat and cheese. However, the Mediterranean diet is not just about food. Regular physical exercise and sharing meals with others are also major components.

No matter which weight loss strategy you try, staying motivated and avoiding common diet pitfalls (such as emotional eating) is very important.

Maintain weight

You may have heard the widely cited statistics that 95% of people who loss weight will resume their diet within a few years or even months. Although there is insufficient evidence to support this claim, many weight loss programs have indeed failed in the long run. Usually because dietary restrictions are too strict, it is difficult to maintain for a long time. However, this does not mean that your weight loss attempt will fail. Far away.

Since its establishment in 1994, the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) has tracked more than 10,000 people who have lost weight and has kept them out for a long time. The study found that participants who successfully lost weight shared some common strategies. No matter which diet you initially used to loss weight, developing these habits can help you stay away from weight:

a)Stay physically active. In the NWCR study, successful dieters usually walk about 60 minutes.
Maintain food records. Keeping track of the food you eat every day helps you maintain a sense of responsibility and motivation.

b) Eat breakfast every day. The most common in the study are cereals and fruits. Eating breakfast can promote metabolism and eliminate hunger later in the day. Compared with the typical American diet, eat more fiber and eat less unhealthy fats.

c) Check the scale regularly. Weighing yourself weekly may help you detect any slight weight gain, allowing you to quickly take corrective actions before the problem escalates.

d) Watch less TV. Reducing the time spent sitting in front of the screen may be the key part of adopting a more active lifestyle and preventing weight gain.


Many supplements can help people loss weight.

These include:

  • omega-3 products and fish oil
  • Chitosan, derived from shellfish
  • Green tea extract
  • Some Chinese herbal medicines
  • Bitter orange extract
  • According to the National Supplementary and Comprehensive Health Center (NCCIH), these are not ineffective and may have side effects.

    In the past, ephedra has been used in weight loss supplements, but it has been banned for safety reasons.
    Further concerns include items such as “fat burners” sold without the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the fact that certain herbal supplements may not fully contain the content written on the label.